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Scholarship Spring 2025

Spokane Rapids offers 50% scholarships to players who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch at school.  Please submit your Soccership Application along with a letter from your child's school stating their eligibility to receive free or reduced-price lunch.

If you need additional scholarship funding, please list any special circumstances on your application.  If you would like to apply for a scholarship please do so before registering.  Once your scholarship is approved, our office will provide you with a discount code to apply the scholarship to your online registration, we are not able to apply scholarships retroactively.

Supporting Documentation Note:
Any questions regarding your financial situation are optional. This information is kept in confidence and will not be shared beyond our scholarship committee. In all cases, answering these questions will provide additional information that can support your aid request.

Please complete the form below for each player that you would like to submit an application for.

Parent Name
Parent First and Last Name
Parent Email
Parent Email Address
Parent Phone Number
Parent Phone Number
As a non-profit organization, we rely on volunteers for our continued operation. Are you available to volunteer on select Saturday's to help out in the concession stand or in the referee room during the season?
Player Name
Player First and Last Name
Returning Player?
Has the player participated with the Spokane Rapids previously?
Birth Year
Player Birth Year
Soccership Amount
What type of aid are you requesting? 100% scholarships will require additional documentation.
Free/Reduced Lunch?
Does your child currently receive free or reduced lunch assistance through their school?
Please explain the special circumstances that relate to your scholarship request.
Please submit supporting documentation to office@spokanerapids.org.

Required Fields