Spokane Rapids center badge


Spokane Rapids has adopted the following Code of Conduct that all parents are to abide by during all Spokane Rapids sanctioned activities..

  • Spokane Rapids will not tolerate behavior which brings the association, team, or game into disrepute. SpVJSA believes that the attitude shown by parents towards coaches, the referees, the opposing parents, coaches and players is of paramount importance. Inappropriate comments or actions by adults bent on short-term success undermines the essence of competition and introduces stresses which are inappropriate for children.   
  • We encourage all parents to be actively involved with their child’s team by responding to coach communications, attending practices, and ensuring your player arrives to each practice and game on time. Being in attendance allows your child’s coach to focus on running productive practice sessions.
  • Maintain control of emotions and avoid actions, language and/or gestures that may be interpreted as hostile or humiliating towards our players, opposing players/coaches/parents or referees. Treat other parents, players, fans, coaches and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, religion, or ability and I will expect to be treated accordingly.  
  • Do not publicly question the referee’s judgment, and never his or her honesty. The referee is a symbol of fair play, integrity and sportsmanship. Please remember, many of these referees are young adults learning how to referee the game, so please treat them with respect. They are there to do an honest job which few others are willing to undertake.   
  • Comments regarding an official should be made in writing to the appropriate organization assigning the official.
  • A parent’s behavior must be such as to bring credit to himself, his organization and the sport of soccer.
  • The attitude and conduct of the coach towards officials, players, spectators, and coaches should be controlled and undemonstrative.
  • It is unacceptable for a parent to have any verbal altercation with an opposing coach, bench or sideline before, during, or after the game.