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Spokane Valley Junior Soccer Association (SpVJSA) has adopted the following Code of Conduct that all coaches are to abide by during all SpVJSA recreational games.


Spokane Valley Junior Soccer Association (SpVJSA) will not tolerate behavior which brings the association, team, or game into disrepute. SpVJSA believes that the attitude shown by coaches towards other coaches, the referees, the opposing parents and players is of paramount importance. Inappropriate comments or actions by adults bent on short-term success undermines the essence of competition and introduces stresses which are inappropriate for children:

1. Encourage players to have fun at all times. Focus on praise and encouragement rather than on criticism and negative yelling. 

 2. Encourage fair play and good sportsmanship, leading by example. 

 3. Demands on players’ time should never be so extensive as to interfere with academic goals or progress. 

 4. Coaches should direct players to seek proper medical attention for injuries and to follow the physician’s instructions regarding treatment and recovery. 

 5. Organize practices that are fun and challenging to players. Enhance understanding of the game by taking advantage of coaching clinics and licensing programs offered by SpVJSA. 

 6. Every player on the team is a contributing player and should be given an equal amount of playing time except in instances where roster size does not make it possible or if a player shows up late/leaves early. Soccer is a team sport and without each player, there is no team. 

 7. Find ways to limit the number of goals scored in “runaway” games. This should include encouraging players to pass a certain number of times before shooting and other “games” to keep the players engaged. 

 8. Maintain control of emotions and avoid actions, language and/or gestures that may be interpreted as hostile or humiliating towards our players, opposing players/coaches/parents or referees. Treat parents, players, fans, other coaches and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, religion, or ability and I will expect to be treated accordingly. Provide instruction in the proper skills and rules pertaining to the game, recognizing that player development is the primary goal of the SpVJSA recreational league. 

 9. Ensure that the fans of my team exhibit sportsmanship and maturity at all times and assist league and game officials in maintaining control of the spectator sidelines. 

 10. Do not publicly question the referee’s judgment, and never his or her honesty. The referee is a symbol of fair play, integrity and sportsmanship. Please remember, many of these referees are young adults learning how to referee the game, so please treat them with respect. They are there to do an honest job which few others are willing to undertake. 

 11. Comments regarding an official should be made in writing to the appropriate organization assigning the official. 

 12. Adherence to all SpVJSA and Member Association rules and policies, especially those regarding eligibility, team formation and recruiting are mandatory and should never be violated. It is the responsibility of each coach to know and understand these rules. 

 13. Any problems that cannot be resolved between coaches should be referred to the appropriate SpVJSA or Member Association officer or committee: https://www.spvjsa.org/board 

 14. A coach’s behavior must be such as to bring credit to himself, his organization and the sport of soccer. 

 15. While the concept of rivalry is wholly embraced, it cannot take precedence over exemplary professional conduct. 

 16. The attitude and conduct of the coach towards officials, players, spectators, and coaches should be controlled and undemonstrative. 

 17. It is unacceptable for a coach to have any verbal altercation with an opposing coach or bench before, during, or after the game. 

 18. Coaches must use their influence on his/her spectators that demonstrate intimidating and/or unacceptable behavior towards officials, players, and opposing team members. 

 19. Game Day Coaching (Teams U9 and above) Coaches must not walk onto the soccer field once the game has started unless the referee has allowed the coach to do so. Coaches may not allow coaching by any parent or other spectator. Coaches shall limit coaching to themselves and properly registered assistant coaches. No parents or spectators are permitted to be on the same side as the team during the game for teams. 

 20. The coach should determine playing time for all players based on the situation of each game, the coach shall do her/his best to play all players in each and every contest. The coach shall ensure that all players who are at the game will play a minimum of 50% of each game as they are able based on the number of players at the game and number of players on the field. 

 21. Coaches shall notify SpVJSA of any incidents or injuries that occur during a game or practice. If a player, coach or spectator is injured (to the extent requiring more than basic on-site first aid) ejected, or receives a red or yellow card during a practice, scrimmage, or game, coaches shall notify SpVJSA via email. Additionally, coaches have the responsibility to notify SpVJSA of any events or circumstances which, having occurred, could in any manner conceivably impact SpVJSA.


The SpVJSA Board of Directors has the sole and exclusive right to make a determination of action in response to coaches who fail to follow the Code of Conduct in any manner. Such actions may include, but are not limited to, immediate termination of coaching assignment, probation, suspension, or ban from SpVJSA.