Spokane Rapids center badge

U9 and U10 Development Goals


  • Ability to pass with accuracy and weight using the inside and outside of the foot (emphasis on quality push pass) 
  • Ability to execute instep drive 
  • Ability to receive ground balls with the instep and outside of the foot (body behind the ball) 
  • Ability to receive bouncing balls with the instep (cushion) and the sole, inside and outside of the foot (wedge)
  • Ability to complete fakes in dribbling (A fake is done with the feet. The goal of a fake is to get the opponent off balance (wrong footed) or going in the direction opposite of where the player in possession of the ball really plans to go.) 
  • Ability to turn with the ball
  • For goalkeepers: ready stance, getting the feet set, how to hold a ball after a save, diamond grip, catching shots at the keeper, punting, recovery from down to the ground and up to set position, and footwork exercises. Also, introduce goal kicks and throwing.


  • Awareness of how to win or lose gracefully, fair play, parental involvement, how to play, communication, and emotional management. 
  • Increase player responsibility. 


  • Endurance 
  • Range of motion/flexibility 
  • Rhythm exercises and running mechanics. 
  • Any fitness activities should be done with the ball.
  • Introduce body resistance exercises and the idea of cool down. 


  • 1v1 defending – does player know when to defend (quick transition upon losing possession) 
  • 1v1 defending – does player know how to defend 1v1 
  • Role of 1st attacker and defender, 2v1 attacking
  • Concept of "get goal-side"
  • Concept of maintaining small group shape in pairs and threes (emphasize support on both attack and defense)
  • Participating/engaged (purposeful action) both on the ball and when supporting a teammate with the ball 
  • Understanding basic principles of attacking Understand of basic principles of set plays

U9 and U10 Sample Practice Plans

Click on the links below to download weekly sample practice plans.

Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


Week 4


Week 5


Week 6


Week 7


Week 8
